Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner
As the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner, Mrs Bourne is responsible for policing and crime in its totality across the county.
Katy lives in Mid Sussex with husband Kevin and two grown-up sons.
She is a graduate of Aberystwyth University, a School Governor at Oriel High, Crawley and was a Mid Sussex District Councillor 2011-2013.
Katy has been described as a ‘serial business builder’ having had either direct ownership or indirect interests in the success of several businesses including her own leisure company which was successfully sold to her main competitor.
Following the sale in 2005, she re-invested some of the proceeds in start-up projects including a music and dance broadcasting business and a low-carbon economy financial modelling company.
Katy has recently been appointed a Director of the Board of the College of Policing and is also a member of their Audit & Risk Committee.